Bael Juice – Ayurvedic Medicine for Stomach Pain and Constipation

Bael, also known as bilwa is a vital tree in Indian culture which is mostly planted around temples. This tree has many medicinal properties. Heera bael swaras is prepared from the bael fruit when it is in its initial stage of ripping. The swaras is ideal for maintaining a good digestive system. Don't let Constipation; Acidity and Stomach Pain slow you down. Heera Ayurvedic has #BAELSwaras for you. Try once and feel the difference. Shop Now: . Cash on Delivery is Available. #Pain #Constipation #Acidity #StomachPain #Swaras #Gastro #Cholesterol #BreastCancer #FemaleProblem #Ulcers #Ayurveda #Herbal #Medicine #Ayurvedic